Research-Related Literature and Studies

I. Preparation

When it comes to the preparation before the review, the following are necessary to consider (Bloomsburg University, 2023).

Select the Topic-Narrow down and align the topic with the scope and purpose of the study.  
Set the Topic in Context-Make sure that the topic will give an overview of the problem at hand, and to the existing body of knowledge in the area of study.  
Clarify- Determine how many sources would suffice.
- Identify what sources you’ll need (books, research papers, etc.).
Look at Information Sources- Check if it is related to your research area and if it’s reliable.
- Consider if it is current (5 years up to date)

II. Sources

Type of SourceDescriptionExample
Primary Source-This refers to all sources that are original. It provides first-hand information to a research area.- original research studies (theses, dissertations)
- interviews
- court records
Secondary Source-Sources that are interpretations derived from the primary source. It provides secondhand data or information.- review articles
- meta-analysis
- systematic reviews
Tertiary Source- This is a derivation of information from both primary and secondary sources. It provides an overview of research findings.- encyclopedia
- textbook
- newspaper

III. Creating The Review

A. Introduction
            -provide an overview of significant points of the topic
            - mention key topics that will appear in the body of the review
B. Body
         1. Group
                arrange types of literatures and studies under review into categories

         2. Analyze and Interpret
                explain with your own interpretation at hand, not just paraphrase

         3. Summarize
                give only the main points of each source and combine them into a whole per category

         4. Add Citations
                add the author’s credentials and support their claim/works by evidences

         5. Connect
                make the paragraphs well-structured by using transition words to draw connections
C. ConclusionSynthesize (see next step)

Things to Remember:- Use EvidenceSupport interpretations made during the review by evidences to ensure its reliability.- Be SelectiveState and highlight only the important points in each source.- Maintain Your Own VoiceInclude your own interpretations. Keep it objective and written in the third person.- ParaphraseExplain in your own words and interpretation, referencing the author of the source for their ideas.

References:University of Southern California. (2023, April 18). Organizing your Social Sciences Research Paper. Retrieved April 29, 2023 from OWL. (n.d.). Writing a Literature Review. Retrieved April 29, 2023 from of Wisconsin. (n.d.). Learn how to write a review of literature. Retrieved April 30, 2023 from